

The world's largest data journalism learning community. Featuring free video courses, long reads, resources and a discussion platform.

Why Is Data Journalism Important?

Data journalism serves two important purposes for news organizations: finding unique stories (not from news wires) and execute your watchdog function.

The Data Journalism Handbook 1

A useful resource for anyone interested in becoming a data journalist and getting started with data journalism.

Data Journalism in Perspective

Data journalism is about mass data literacy. Digital technologies and the web are fundamentally changing the way information is published. Data journalism is ...

Data Journalism Handbook 2

This new edition explores innovative ways in which data is analysed, created and used in the context of journalism.

Data Journalism

Data Journalism. 什麼是資料新聞學? 廿一世紀大數據(big data)時代來臨,新聞記者很容易就可以使用網路上大量、可能免費的軟體工具,自行處理公開的大型資料,並 ...

Ten examples of outstanding data journalism (2023)

We've brought together ten of the most compelling data stories out there, crafted by journalists from teams large and small.

What is Data Journalism?

2023年9月27日 — Journalists skilled in data analysis and visualization can provide valuable insights into a wide range of topics, from politics and economics to ...